Saturday, February 2, 2019

January has Flown on by

      Wow can you believe we have already flown through the first month of 2019?  I can’t, seems like we haven’t even hit the end of last year! I have managed to make a plan for this year’s projects. Making a list of all the things that need to be done here on the farm and when I feel these projects should be accomplished. Weather here has not been a great thing to move forward on much of anything but making sure we have enough firewood cut as we have had some major cold days and wicked nights, Rain too. Keeping all the animals dry and warm has been crazy. Downsizing has been on my mind a great deal too. Weeding out all our unregistered pigs and having a slaughter day. We have someone who would like to have the last 6 piglets to start their own pig farm. That works for us. Starting off with a plan will keep things less crazy and easier to manage.

     We have had three piglets out running the top of the hill along with the goat. They have all but dug up the new garden area all the way around the pool and my herb garden. They have uprooted all my flowers and dug up my brick sidewalks which doesn’t make me very happy at all. I had planted hostas and hydrangeas in my herb garden and they are all gone. Knowing that the house project will be an ongoing thing for a long while, fences will be the next thing in line for priorities.Image may contain: plant, outdoor and natureImage may contain: plant, outdoor and nature
Image may contain: plant, outdoor and nature
     I have already selected my seeds for this year. Adding new seeds to the ones I have saved over the last planting season. I need to replenish the soil in the boxes and maybe build a few more. There will be a fence around the garden, don’t need no critters eating my lunch.

     For the time being I have been creating crazy little tiny rooms out of stuff that would otherwise go to the garbage. I have always loved building doll house furniture and houses.  This year instead of crocheting I decided to create a tiny world here in my tiny office. Who knows one day I might have a tiny she shed to build tiny stuff for sale. I just love to create. I introduced this art to my g kids and they have tried their hand at it. Until the weather warms up enough to get out and do something that will be where you can find me.
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Image may contain: indoorImage may contain: indoorNo photo description available.No photo description available.