Sunday, March 15, 2020

Entertaining the kids during the Corona Break

Corona Break for Kids
     By the time we all get through this quarantine period and state of emergency we all may be quite crazy so I thought I would make a list of things more for you to do with the kids to make it fun.

     I know every kid loves slime right so here is a recipe for slime the kids will truly love and they can eat it!
1 cup Gummy bears
3 Tablespoons Corn flour
food coloring (optional)
4 tablespoons icing sugar
2-3 Tablespoons icing sugar (extra for your hands)
Place the gummy bears into a bowl with the corn flour and microwave for 30 seconds then stir, microwave for another 30 seconds, stir and then put it in for another minute until you see it bubble right up. Stir in food coloring and LEAVE TO COOL (caution sugar gets very hot).
Knead in the icing sugar
This gummy bear slime is super stretchy and really fun to play with but a little sticky, you will need to use some extra icing sugar on your hands to stop it sticking to your fingers. Recipe by Ann Reardon

     How about making a chalk board for the kitchen. All you need is any color of acrylic paint and some Plaster of Paris and a bit of water and a board of any size.
Mix just small amounts because it dries fast.
2 Tablespoons of Plaster of Paris
1 Tablespoon of water
 Mix well
Add 3 Tablespoons of paint and mix well.
You will need to paint at least three coats to cover the board. Let dry a few hours.
To make the chalk work well on the board lightly coat the painted board with chalk then wipe with a clean wet cloth. Now your kids will have a blast playing school right at home. (What’

     How about make a batch of caramel popcorn and watch kid’s choice movie together. Or you can make my favorite chocolate popcorn. This is an easy recipe just make a batch of chocolate fudge and pour it over the popcorn and stir well.

     Have a drawing contest. See how well you can draw a picture without picking up you pencil. This will gets some giggles I am sure.

     Have the kids plant an herb garden using a few cans or start a small garden in the backyard. Use the chalk paint to label your herb cans.

     Make a crescent pizza ring for a change from traditional.
Unroll your rolls and place them in a circle with the points on the outer edge of a cookie sheet. Spread your favorite pizza sauce over the crescent rolls and add your choice of pizza treats, then take the thin ends and tuck it over the top of all the filling. Brush over with garlic butter and bake. You can do the same thing to make tacos. Just turns it into a circle of fun.

     Paint rocks then place them in your garden or give them as gifts.

     If you are worried about kids falling behind in class you can use the Khan Academy program to improve on their weaknesses. khan academy

     How about star gazing. Can you show your kids where they can find certain star clusters it may be a treat for them that they will learn more about as time goes by? Check out my blog on stars from earlier this month for more information. 

     Make a kaleidoscope here is a cool video link to make your own. kaleidoscope with no mirrors The kids will have hours of fun watching the color patterns.

     Make a doll house out of found things around the house.

     Go out and see if you can do cartwheels with the kids if you are brave enough. I can still do them lol. Play kick ball. Play catch.

     Well I hope this will get you started. I know I will be doing a lot of these things with my g kid. Stay healthy have fun and enjoy family activities together. Keep them hands washed.

Quote of the day:

“ The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul.” Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Scripture of the day:

Matt 7: 11 Therefore, if you, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will your Father who is in the heavens give good things to those asking him!

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Stop the Chaos and Panic

Stop the Chaos and Panic

     Sitting here wondering how many people will be affected by this virus they call Corona. As we have all been told we are under a state of emergency and schools have closed along with sports programs and many other things. I dearly believe that we need to take the time to think about others and not ourselves for a change. I know that panic has set in all over the world and what does that really get us, nothing.

Help out the less fortunate

     I have made a point here to check on those who are less fortunate or the elderly to see if they have what they need in order not to have to go out and be exposed. I reached out to my family members to make sure they are safe. With all our children out of school and many places shutdown it will be a chaotic time for many especially those who have young children are home while some still have to work.

     Now is the time for parents to take stock of what their kids are doing and having to deal with in school, even sit down and tell them what is going on and let them know that you are there to protect them and reassure them that things will get better. Spend some time playing games or putting puzzles together with one another. Read a book together or even bake with them. If you can take a walk together and look at all the beautiful trees and other things that are starting to take on new life. Maybe you can take pictures of the buds on the trees and compare them with others.  Teach you kids a new card game. There are all sorts of things we can do to entertain ourselves. We all need to keep calm and hope for the best through these hard times. When was the last time you sat down and colored? That is my daily thing. I bet there is a recipe you are wanting to try out, well now is the time.

     We cannot let this virus scare us into something that could be worse. We have to use our minds for more positive things. Panic can only end badly. So connect with your families have a great meal enjoy one another’s company. Now that it is nicer outside for most of us you could go out and have a fire in the pit and share stories, roast wieners and marshmallows, or go fishing. It is a great time to reconnect with nature and with our Grand Creator. I bet so many have little faith in that, these days but just remember that God is on our side and Satan is the one controlling the earth. He proved that when he told Jesus he could give him all the kingdoms of the earth if he just bow down to him.  Matt 4:8 Again the Devil took him along to an unusually high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.  

     Be thankful for what you have and enjoy some time off if you can. Remember too that hand washing helps keep the virus down and that is a great thing to teach your kids to do too. It only takes 20 seconds. I am spending time with my g kid and we could get into trouble together!

     Quote of the day:

“Cleanliness is next to godliness.” unknown

 Scripture of the day:

Titus 1:15 All things are clean to clean people; but to those who are defiled and faithless, nothing is clean, for both their minds and their consciences are defiled.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

What is going on?

What is going on?

     This Coronavirus is getting too bizarre. You know the world is going crazy over it, yet I don’t remember the H1N1 being this crazy, I just remember they wanted everyone vaccinated.  I know I shouldn't have wigged out over it because it really isn't as bad as they say and they never say anything about how many people die from the flu which is right up there as high risk. I guess that having asthma and thinking about not breathing is my thing. I can't even watch things on TV that are closed in spots. I would much rather die in my sleep suddenly without any symptoms.

Can we get the facts about the coronavirus?
     There are so many different opinions coming from the president, news folks and the CDC and it seems like everyone has a different take on it in so many ways. Everyone wants to get in on it by scamming the public to giving their own medical advice. Who do we trust?

     I know that I for one am at risk and so is my hubby but we cannot just quit living. I have been looking for a job and I wonder if I get one will it come to an abrupt halt because of the economy falling out or will I become a statistic for wanting to go to work. I need to make some type of living here, my retirement money flew right out the door. I think about my hubby if I do get a job and I get sick. I do not want to share it with him. I told him if it happened I would stay in the “honeymoon suite” AKA the camper in the front yard just to protect him.

     Have you wondered how you would self-quarantine if you or one of your loved ones were affected? I know we ca never be too careful and we most definitely do not want to be the bearer of bad things for our families. Maybe you have an extra room that your family member can stay in. Hand washing to me seems like one of the best things we can do in order to keep the virus from spreading. I know hand sanitizer is a great thing to keep on hand too. Using that elbow for coughs and sneezes will somewhat keep the germs from spreading but nothing is truly preventable.

     I can tell you I have a very big disadvantage to this whole thing because of my lungs already being compromised and my immunity is shot when it comes to getting sick easy. Despite what others believe the colloidal silver is one thing I truly believe in. It has saved my butt more times than I can count. Keeping up with my vitamins helps me too. But do folks ever thing about their sugar intake when they get sick? They say that good health starts in your gut.  I fail in this area so many times too. I want to eat the sweets when I get wiggy. I might have to rethink that part of my plan to stay well.
Thinking of another crazy thing Friday the 13 is upon us and I am sure there are many of you that will really be on your toes about things going on. Well I am not one for superstitions. It is just another day to me.

     For those of us who are over 60, have risky health problems and all you might choose to stay away from the big crowds, especially if you have an international metropolis that you live in. You are more apt to be exposed to the virus. For now living in the country rural area works for me. I just hope that whatever happens we can all be better prepared for it. I hear China has slowed down in those effected which can be a good thing, but until the time it filters through us we have to be at a heightened risk for all of us. Just be wise and don’t go to work sick and see a doctor if your symptoms are truly what we are being told they are. Do not submit yourself to a hospital or doctor’s office if at all possible especially if you know the virus is local, for treatments that can be taken care of right at home. Pray a lot that it will end its course and be kind to others and respect them.

     Today’s Quote:     
“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.” Dwight D. Eisenhower

     Scripture of the day:

Proverbs 15:22 Plans fail when there is no consultation, But there is accomplishment through many advisers.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

March Planting and Cold Frames

March Planting and Cold Frames

Have you started planting things yet for your garden this spring? It is coming fast this year and one of the earlier springs we have had recently. Here are a few things you can do before planting time. Check your soil; do you need to amend it with anything? Depending on where you live you may want to have a few cold frames ready just in case your zones still may be experiencing frost. Or even a day of winds. Here is how to build a cold frame.

Cold Frames made Simple

Things you will need:
  • Jig saw
  • Drill
  • Measure
  • Pencil
  •  Miter saw
  • Straight edge
  • 2-4 Hinges with screws
  • Hook and latch with screws
  • Box of screws 2 1/2 “
  • Old window frame
  •  2x4x8’ rot resistant planks depending on size of window
  • 1-2x2x8 used for the corner braces

     Measure the window the long length to give length for front and back plank length. Measure and cut 3 planks to the size of the window. The third plank is for the back side to add height for drainage.

     Next Measure the short side of the window and this will be the length of each side of the cold frame. Cut 2 (1) for each side.

     Cut a 3rd plank the same size and mark an angle from one corner to the opposite side to make a wedge using your straightedge. This is in order to let the rain run off of the window and give a more direct sunlight pattern on the plants. Each piece will be placed from back to front at a downward slope of the top side piece when screwed together on each side.

     Once that is done cut the corner pieces that will be used for bracing to the corners of the 2 back planks then add the side piece bottom plank first then add the top wedge piece to the top of that. The front corner braces can be measured and cut. And placed in each corner.

     Now that you have your box created you can now add the window to the top. Place the hinges on the top edge of the back side of the box then add the window to the top and screw the second part of the hinge. In the front edge of the window in the middle add the hook and the latch to the middle front part of your box. Your box is now ready to be placed in your garden area. To keep the box from touching the ground, a frame of brick to the bottom edges can be laid . Add your soil and you are ready to plant.
What to grow for your zone.

1-2 zones you being that you are in an area that the frost is not expected to end soon here are a few things you can grow.
  •  Asparagus
  • Celery
  • Chives
  •  Endive
  • Leeks
  • Radishes

Zone 3 – 4 these all can be started inside
  • Onions
  • Tomatoes
  • Cauliflower
  • Cabbage
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Peppers
  • Eggplant
Zone 5- For all the seeds started inside you can plant them in the garden by the end of the month of March or early April.  
  • Potatoes 
  • Peas
  • Lettuce
  • Radishes
  •  Carrots
Zone 6 Roses, trees and shrubs can safely be planted outside. Plants that were started indoors can be transferred outside.
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower

Zone 7
  •  Carrots
  •  Beets
  •  Kohlrabi
  • Lettuce
  • Turnips
  • Swiss Chard

  • Onions
  • Shallots
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • White Potatoes
  • Collards
  • Asparagus
  • Chives
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme

Zone 8
  • Spinach
  • Turnips
  • Mustards
  • Beets
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
Mid-month you can plant
  •  Corn
  • Tomatoes
  • Squash
  • Peppers
  • Cucumbers

Zone 9 is basically the same as 8 but you can add
  • Asian Greens
  • Lettuce
  • Parsley
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach

Zone 10 All of the above and can be add
  • Okra
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Melons

     Use those cold frames for indoor plants that have been transferred outside or start seeds recommended for your zone. This will protect them just in case there is a sudden drop in temperatures. I hope this helps you get started on your garden.

     Quote of the day:

“God Almighty first planted a garden. And indeed, it is the purest of human pleasures.” Francis Bacon

     Scripture of the day:

Ps. 119:2 Happy are those who observe his reminders, who search for him with all their heart. 3 They practice no unrighteousness; they walk in his ways.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Dr. Seuss: A Childhood Experience for both Young and Old

Dr. Seuss: A Childhood Experience for both Young and Old

     March is Dr. Seuss month and I would love to celebrate this wonderful author’s works with you. I am sure we all have grown up reading these great books and learned them by heart, the tongue twisting silly things that taught us to rhyme and even spell. The Cat in the Hat, The lorax, The Grinch and Thing One and Thing Two. Really now tell me how we did get through? With One fish, Two fish and Feet, Feet, Feet, we learned to count or at least that’s what we think. With all of the characters from A to Z who gave us imagination and loved them all too.

I remember Dr. Seuss

     I remember reading them at school and then, when my kids came along they did too. I read them to the grand kids and what fun it was to tongue twist together all the words. Fixing “Green Eggs and Ham” and dressing them up for school day fun in costumes that matched their favor characters.

     Dr. Seuss AKA Theodor Seuss Geisel was born March 2,, 1904. He spent many days at the Springfield Zoo with his sketch book in hand drawing all the animals as a boy.  He started publishing children’s books in 1937 and his first book which was rejected 27 times was finally publishedAnd to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street” This was kind of a story of his young life in Springfield. By 1934 he joined the army and was assigned to the education division where he met Chuck Jones and became great friends. In 1957 he wrote the book “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” which was later made into a TV special with the help of Jones in 1966. In 1948 he had moved with his wife to La Jolla where he resided for the rest of his life. He and his wife traveled the world and many of his characters and places became inspiration of his books. In 1954 by novelist John Hersey challenged Dr. Seuss to “write me a story that first-graders can’t put down,” while using only 225 words chosen from a list of 348. Dr. Seuss accomplished the task using 236 words. In 1957 the Cat and The Hat came out and in 1958 The Cat in the Hat Comes Back was published along with 4 other books to kick off the reading program. Green Eggs and Hams followed in 1960. There are so many books in between, and after that we all learned to love his work. 

      Dr. Seuss’s wonderful creative life ended in 1991 but his 2nd wife donated all of his manuscripts  illustrations to the University of California at San Diego, and in 1995 the university library was renamed Geisel Library.  Some of his achievements in life were; he won a Pulitzer Prize in 1984, a Caldecott award for several books and many other awards. They made several specials of his books and he even gained recognition in the English dictionary. There is even an amusement parks to honor his work.

     Dr. Seuss has been a household name for a very long time and if you have not read one of his books please pick one up and have a ball. To find out more Dr. Seuss

     Quote of the day:

“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!” Dr. Seuss

     Scripture of the day:

Matt. 6:9 “You must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. 10 Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth.”

Have you ever really thought about God's kingdom as a government? Well He would like his government to be right here on earth and soon it will be! Just keep praying this way!

Brilliant Lights of the Sky

Brilliant Lights of the Sky

Planets amongst the stars

     I don’t know how many of you have gone out on a clear night and were completely awed by the amazing night sky. I know I have and I do it all year round. It never ceases to amaze me how wonderfully beautiful it is.

Heavenly Bliss 

     I started stargazing when I was in junior high school with our science teachers Mr. Smith and Mr. Bowman. We had a stargazers club and we would all meet at the school on a clear night and go to the football practice field to start with, then we also met at the reservoir out in the country and wow now that was spectacular view. Those of us that were fortunate to have telescopes would share with the group to see Jupiter and Mars. This memory was like yesterday and it was so cool and so bright out there. Those days have carried over into today and I still love to take in the beauty of the heavens. Right now Orion is just to the right of my driveway. Taurus the Bull is above Orion to the right. The brightest star in March is Sirius and it is just to the left of Orion’s belt.

     This month is a great month to stargaze because you can see Jupiter and Mars once again. But they do not hold the show, Venus is one of the brightest planets out this time of the year. If you look very carefully you can see Mars the red planet just below and a bit to the left and lower than the Moon. Right now you can see Jupiter and Saturn also and they starting to align with one another and by the end of the month then Mars will be passing Jupiter and Saturn. The Moon also will be joining this trio of planets in alignment just below them on March 18th.

     I have such a great view of the stars and planets from my hill and I have a special bench in the yard I can go out to and lay on, under this vast canopy of the universe. There is nothing more beautiful to be thankful for.

     In this month we will also see the worm moon which is our full moon for March. It falls on March 9th and it will be a super moon.  The Indians believed this was when the ground softened up and the worms became abundant once again and the Robins and other bird returned to snatch them up. Soon new sprouts would be popping out of the ground and then they knew it was time for rebirth and spring had finally arrived waking the winter’s slumber. Thus we know it as the Worm Moon. Some folk may also call it the Chaste Moon, Storm Moon, Seed Moon, Moon of Winds, Plow Moon, or Lenten Moon among others. In any case we know that spring is finally upon us and we can start to rejoice in the rebirth of all things. This moon is the last moon before the spring equinox which can take place on March 19, 20, or 21 or there about.

Worm Moon

     On the 28th of this month you will be able to see the Pleiades or the seven sisters. This is truly a great month to get out and gaze at the brilliant lights in the sky.  Get the kids involved and the grandkids they will love it and you can make it a special outing for the whole family. It can be a month to month thing as the skies move over you and change with the seasons. Enjoy God’s beautiful heavenly expanse and give thanks that we live in such a wonderful world. 

Seven sisters or Pleiades

     Quote of the day:

Owl of the hollow tree, speaking mysteriously, when the Moon’s phantom light makes my dim chamber bright. –Dorothea Maria Ogilvy, Scottish poet (1823–95)

Scripture of the day:

Genesis 1:14 Then God said: “Let there be luminaries in the expanse of the heavens to make a division between the day and the night, and they will serve as signs for seasons and for days and years. 15 They will serve as luminaries in the expanse of the heavens to shine upon the earth.” And it was so.

If you would like to know more about the march skies  check out This is where I got a lot of this information.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Fun Facts about Leap Year

Fun Facts about Leap Year

     Have you ever really thought about Leap year before and why we have it? Well according to it was created to keep us in sync with the astronomical year or season of the year. Leap year comes every four years or at least most of the time. As we all know there are 365 days in a year but Leap year has 366 days. The extra day over a four year period is divided into fourths because it takes the earth 365.25 days to circle the sun, each forth makes up that extra day that is needed. It may not seem like a big deal but it does over time make a difference in our seasonal changes.
In history many calendars have even added a leap month to make up for lost time during the winter months. Their calendars were referred to as lunisolar which indicated the position of the moon as well as the earth in relationship to the sun. Because of a natural gap in time there were about eleven days that were measured by the lunar cycles and the earth’s orbit. It was required they add additional months which is referred to as interstitial months just to keep things straight but in the end it still did not keep the days in sync for the year.

     There are about 5 million people worldwide that were born on Leap Day. They are referred as leaplings. The odds for being born on this day is 1 to every 1461 person. How cool is that.

     In Ireland it was not proper for a lady to ask a gentleman for his hand but on the leap year they had that one day to do so. Thus calling it the Bachelor’s day.
Now for some more crazy Ideas, for most of us leap year may not be a problem but some folks feel it is a huge problem. According to an article written by Joshua Bote of USA today a couple of professors’ names Hanke and Henry of John Hopkins University feel their calendar would be a better fit for the work week. The week would always start on Monday and the first two months would have 30 days and every third month would have 31. This would be a perfect way to have a four day weekend when a holiday came around because all holidays except for the fourth of July and Thanksgiving would fall on that Monday. Thus it would not be breaking into midweek work time and production. By the end of the 364 day year there would be a free week that could be used as vacation time every 5 -6 years. This would be called the Xtr or weeklong month and because most folks take that time off to be with family anyways during this time around the winter holidays. Not sure how they will keep the Sunday schedule for those of us who still keep the Sabbath but I am sure it will be interesting. For those folks born on leap day will that mean they don’t exist?

     Believe it or not this calendar could actually take place soon as it has already been sent to congress for a vote on it. It would be called “the Trump Calendar”. Oh Gee, I think Happy Monday calendar sounds better. So there you have it fun facts that may not exist in the near future. All you ladies better get out there and ask that guy to marry you because it may be your last chance!

     Quote of the day:

"Every leap year I like to jump. It’s a good way to get my daily exercise in every four years." — Jarod Kintz

     Scripture of the day:

“Those knowing your name will trust in you; you will never abandon those seeking you, O Jehovah.”PS. 9:10.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Free for the Taking?

Free for the Taking?

Choose to build a new house

Fix up an old beauty

Or maybe own the one you use to live in.
     Have you ever wanted to create the perfect dream house with all the amenities that comes with it? Or maybe you had your eye on a prime piece of property close to your favorite spot. Maybe you have a rich relative that you hoped would put you in their will. What would you do if that dream could come true? This is the house and land you have been dreaming of all your life.  And what if, no one will ever take this property away from you and it will be free of taxes and you can feed yourself off the land and grow perfect non GMO heirloom plants to feed yourself and your family and farm your own animals there for eternity? Would you take this opportunity to thank that person with all your heart for giving you such a gift? Would you care for what has been given you and do your utmost to keep it up and continue living there?

Making good with what We have

     I know that I have always wanted a dream house and I have a design program that I have designed so many house on and each time I design one I try to put in all the great new ideas that I find in pictures from Houz or Pinterest. No matter how many houses I design I have to keep in mind that it has to be affordable to my very small budget and I mean small. Over the years my hubby and I have picked up things for little to no money to fund our house. Free windows and doors, free tubs, free tile you name it we have saved it. Things people want to give away or ask for little to nothing just to get rid of it. My house will have lots of windows as we have collected a six plus pairs of sliding glass doors. Each piece will be as one window framed into the living room and bedroom. We have been  given a pool table slate to make counters with and we have 100 year old oak boards to create the perfect look for something in the house. When my daughter remodeled her house we got a lot of goodies from her too. A great door that had come apart that has a glass work in it that will make a great window for a bathroom. There are so many treasures out there for little to nothing and I can always find use for so many things. Yet I know my house may have someone else live it if I die like one of my children. I know I will still have to pay my taxes and I will never be an heir to any one here on earth unless I have some secret admirer I don’t know about that put me in their will. So it will still be my dream house that may not ever get build because of my low income status.

     I know some day I will have that dream house and I will have everything I could ever dream of and more right here on this very earth but this inheritance will be from our Grand Creator God. He has promised all of us that we can have all of it free and no more mortgage payments no more taxes, free food and more. What you say? Isaiah 65:21- 23 tells us that God has promised for all who obey him all these things.
 Is 65: 21 They will build houses and live in them, and they will plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. 22 They will not build for someone else to inhabit, nor will they plant for others to eat. For the days of my people will be like the days of a tree, and the work of their hands my chosen ones will enjoy to the full. 23 They will not toil for nothing, nor will they bear children for distress, because they are the offspring made up of those blessed by Jehovah, and their descendants with them.

     Now, how can anyone not want to be a part of such wonderful provisions? For those of us who have no place of our own and especially if you owe the bank a mortgage or taxes this is a great opportunity. Can you visualize living in your own house and land like this? What part of that scripture appeals to you?  This is not something that most people have really thought about, but this is what God has promised to all of us. His plan for the earth from the very beginning was to have Adam and Eve extend the Garden of Eden to the ends of the earth. This plan has never changed. In fact He has said the meek ones will inherit the earth.  Chapter 37 of Psalms tells us many great things that will take place for those ones. Verse 3-4 states that if we trust in God and do what is good residing on the earth he will grant us the desires of our heart. Now what are your desires? But for those who are evil? He will do away with them in verse 9, but those hoping in Him WILL possess the earth. Ps 37:11 But the meek will possess the earth, and they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. I don’t know about you but to me that gift is one I will work very hard to receive even now.
Can you see yourself living in such a paradise as Adam and Eve once started? Can you see yourself never having to do without ever again? In revelations it tells of such a place right here on earth.

      Rev 21:3-5 With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them. 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” 5 And the One seated on the throne said: “Look! I am making all things new.” Also he says: “Write, for these words are faithful and true.”

     If the Bible says these words are faithful and true how wonderful will that be for us. Can you imagine waking up in the morning and not have to reach for your glasses or put in your teeth, feeling 100 % no pain!!! How about that word death are you afraid of it? I bet most are. But it says there will be no more death. What about all those loved ones we have lost over the years, I know I have children I have lost and grandparents and friends that have long passed. What does it say about them? No more mourning, how can that be? Jesus will call them all out of their graves to be united with us.

     At John 5: 28 (Jesus says), Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice 29 and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.

     Remember Ecclesiastes 1:4 A generation is going, and a generation is coming, but the earth remains forever. So the earth will not be destroyed. Well it will be a place of beauty once again never to be destroyed by man doing his worst. Can You be one who will build that dream home and live there forever? I know I am willing to try my hardest to be there! I will build my dream house and have more than I could ever imagine and it will be given to me and I will be an heir to its abundance of all that God intended it to be and more. I will serve Him to the best of my ability and be thankful and keep the faith that all my dreams will come true one day soon. I hope this sounds like a plan you will have too so I can see you also living your dream. It is free for the taking and God is offering it to all of us.

     Quote of the day:
“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.” — Morrie Schwartz

     Scripture of the day:
1 Peter 4:8 Above all things, have intense love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Wisteria a Beauty or Beast

Wisteria a Beauty or Beast

     When I lived in Ohio I had the most beautiful trellis of wisteria and I cut it back to keep it from getting too out of control. It smelled so good too. The pretty purple flowers made such grapelike cluster of flowers.  Here in Georgia it is a vine that grows like crazy and covers trees and landscapes all up and down the highways. I thought it was still so beautiful. Now that it grows on my property I tend to not like it so much. Over the last few years that I had worked during the late winter, early spring months I have not been able to keep up with it. I started to make a wisteria tree but it didn’t get cut back and it is all over the front yard. I use to keep it contained by making wreaths and baskets with it just to control it. It is all over my back yard too.

Creeping Crazy Benefit?

     I have spent a whole day cutting and pulling vines from my driveway. It was a backbreaking job and I didn’t even make a dent in it. I piled up vines and every time I thought I had cleared it out a whole bunch more was buried under the leaves I raked. I do have a plan for all this madness. I will be putting it into pots and getting it ready for my greenhouse area so we can sell it. This along with a few other things that grow up here on my hill in abundance will be dug up and repotted, and this will be a good start to our nursery.

     This will be part of our bread and butter. No sense in letting it be something we just discard into a compost pile or burned in a burn pile. It will end up being a money maker. I know I can never run out of this vine because it is like kudzu it grows like crazy. I see at most garden supply places they sell it so I know I can do it too. I may have my work cut out for me but in the long run I think it will pay off.

     So if you have something that you have an overabundance of in your yard you too can possibly make a few dollars sharing it with others. It may surprise you who may have wished to have that specific plant that you have in your yard. Don’t look at it as a nuisance but a way to create an income. This can work for bulbs that you have planted that have taken over the flower bed and just needs to be divided up or even herbs like mints that have spread beyond its boundaries. Maybe you planted too many of something and in the end you were overwhelmed with the outcome. A farmer’s market on Saturday will help there. You never know till you try.  As a homesteader I am always looking for ways to make money and this was a no brainer. You just have to think outside the box.

     Quote of the day:
"Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune." - Jim Rohn

     Scripture of the day:
Matt. 24:45 “Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time?

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Storm’s a Coming & Now You're in the Dark

Storm’s a coming

     With all the storms and rough weather we have been having this winter, we might ask are we prepared for a power outage. I know we have had ours flicker a few times this year already and a few years ago we were without power for a few days after the hurricane so we try to be prepared now. We have had so much rain here that we have trees uprooting all over the place. That was what happened here during the hurricane. It just blew a huge oak tree into the house taking the power line with it. I know we don’t get a lot of snow here but occasionally we do, but mostly ice storms and then we have downed trees and power outages too. Up north though my family has a ton of snow from time to time. You would think they would have a power outage for sure somewhere.
What causes these outages? Weather is one cause and it could be from hurricanes, or lightning strikes. Downed lines or transformers exploding can be another. Sometimes it may be caused by overloaded power grids and even solar flares and it could be updates on the system itself. It is never coinciding with your plans whatever the case.

 What to do when the power goes out!!!

     So all of a sudden the house goes dark, no more TV or lights. Now what? Have you got your supplies ready? Have you got the emergency backup plan in place? I hope you have prepared well in advance because if it is a huge power outage it may cause stores to be without power in your area also and that means no computers to make purchases. If I know in advance we have a bad storm coming I always make sure we have water for us to drink and cook with. (I keep water to flush the toilets. I have always had a few huge jugs filled for toilets and stored.)

     Here is a list of other things you may want to have on hand.

  • Non perishables, can goods and juices etc. snack foods and fruit
  • First aid kits 
  • Extra toilet paper (Something I always have on hand.)
  • Batteries and extra flashlights- we have a few of the LED lanterns they are great and put out a lot of light. 
  • Can opener (hand crank) 
  • Matches  
  • Extra fuel: gas, wood or propane 
  • If at all possible have a backup generator
  • Extra blankets in case you do not have heat, thankfully we heat with wood here.
  • Extra clothing
  • A grill or camp stove to cook on if the power is out for too long.
  • Charcoal and lighter fluid
  •  A cooler and ice from the freezer if possible, if you have snow fill it with snow.
  • If you are like my hubby who needs his coffee have a pot to make it in from the cook stove.
  • Card or board games to keep the kids happy or a good book.  These things will help you get by for a few hours or days.

     If you have a generator make sure you have it connected from the outside in because it does let off carbon monoxide. Try not to open the refrigerator too much if you don’t have a generator it will keep the food cold longer.

     Things you can do when the power does go out is report the outage. Most times if there is a big outage the electric company will tell you where it is and how long it will take before they get you back up and running. Keep your radio on to keep up with bad weather just in case it is the cause so you can be prepared for something worse. Social media will help to pinpoint outages too. Try to unplug things like TV Computers etc. that can be damaged when the power comes back on. Hot water tanks will not be working nor will gas stoves with electric ignite switches, so keep that in mind. Unless you have a way to charge your cell phone try not to use it too much. Refrigerator will be safe up to 4 hours and freezers if full will make it for a day or so.

     Once the power has come back on you can start to plug your electronics etc. in again but not all at the same time. Always remember to restock what items you have used from your kits so you can be ready the next time you might have an outage. 

     I know we are never expecting for the weather to take out the power but sometimes it does. You never know when there are accidents involving power poles or some crazy something else so please be prepared. I know I try to be as much as possible here because we are way out of town and I don’t want to be caught off guard.

     Quote of the day:

“We forget just how painfully dim the world was before electricity. A candle, a good candle, provides barely a hundredth of the illumination of a single 100 watt light bulb.” Bill Bryson

     Scripture of the day:

 Gen. 1:3 And God said: “Let there be light.” Then there was light. After that God saw that the light was good, and God began to divide the light from the darkness.