Monday, April 1, 2019

Garden Time Again

     I started my garden yesterday. We bought several bags of organic garden soil to fill up raised beds. Just put the lettuce, arugula, and kale seeds in. they can withstand the freeze we might have, it got to 27 last night again. I did manage to plant spinach, swiss chard, turnips, radishes earlier and they are coming up good. We are adding some plowed rows this year because the raised beds were not near enough. This year we have to get serious about the garden.

     The 2 pigs that have been out running the property have almost destroyed my herb garden up at the house. I have saved a few hostas, my angel trumpets, a few strawberry plants, my lemon balm and bee balm. That is it. I am glad I got seeds to replant. The pigs are going to become dinner sooner than they think. I bought some plants at the School’s FFA sale to add to my herbs too I bought a purple Angel Trumpet which I never seen it now and a few rosemary plants, a eucalyptus tree, and some peppermint.

     I started taking classes again I finished up one in reflexology. I am now certified to practice it. The other classes are in acupressure, one is a master class and the other is fully accredited. I can use them for my family who all have ailments of some sort. I hope to help ease their problems. I would love to go to get certified to be an acupuncturist but money is tight. Maybe in my bucket list.