Thursday, June 30, 2022

Summer Time Projects

     Wow where did spring go? Can you believe June is all but gone! Yes things are hopping here and man is it hot! Summer got here a lot earlier than we all expected. We are well on the way here as we work to finish up our "shedroom"  and bath. We have gone and bought pretty much all the supplies we needed to get the job done. We have just about connected the sewer line to the septic tank and run electric and waterlines  to the "shedroom" too. We have picked out tile for bathroom and have toilet sink and shower all ready to go as far as parts and pieces to construct. We even got a great deal on windows to close in the screened porch and have enough to use in the bath and in the walkway between the house and the shedroom when we get to that project and the containers.

    As far as my garden grows it was a complete mess. every time it rained the sand washed over the new starts. Yes raised beds are going in for sure for the new season.. Hills and sand don't mix. All of my herbs and peppers have grown like crazy and so have all my trees. They really love the hot weather. 

    Getting ready for the G daughters to come visit The two oldest have their license now and are coming with the next to the oldest soon. I can't wait to see them. How much we have missed them all!   

     In the in between I have been busy sharing the good news of the kingdom We have a convention coming up this weekend I am looking forward to that! 

     I have been building dollhouses again also.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Earthsblessing Living: Garden is in!

Earthsblessing Living: Garden is in!: Well it may have taken me a few days to do it but I have all my vegetables planted in my garden now. It is not very big but it has a good va...

Monday, April 18, 2022

Garden is in!

Well it may have taken me a few days to do it but I have all my vegetables planted in my garden now. It is not very big but it has a good vatiety of things to look forward to. Here is my list; asparagus, cayenne peppers, jalapeƱo peppers,  thai pepper, eggplant (both white and Black beauty), broccoli, cabbage, lettuce mix, long beans, yellow, purple and green bush beans, sweet potato, acorn squash, zucchini squash, tomatoes, strawberries, butternut squash, celery, and potatoes. 
We have planted two banana trees one lemon tree and four orange trees. Also one pear tree, three mulberry trees, one mango tree and an avacodo tree (which come in the house in winter months.) There was a persimmon tree already on the property too. We have four elderberry bushes too.
I have basil, sage, lavender, purple salvia, oregano, thyme, garlic, ginger,  pepermint, lemon balm and turmeric, patchouli and rosemary planted in my herb garden pots. 
We have started making soap again. One batch of Sandalwood and Cedarwood and two batches of Patchouli one in which we sold as a whole slab. Our next batch will be a turmeric bar. 
My friend gave me serval plants to add to my collection. Catus, a rubber tree, mother-in-law plants and several others. Come cooler weather we will be putting many in the greenhouse since our house is so small. 
We are getting ready to start on our shedroom and I can't wait. That I will update on another day.
We lost my sweet lab Trillian last month and we planted a lilac bush over her grave so we won't forget her when the wind blows when the bush blooms.

Monday, February 28, 2022

spring is near


Spring is Near

     We have made it through our very first year of winter here in Jesup. Thank goodness it was a mild one. I did lose a few of my plants during a few of the nights it got down into the twenties even being under a roof didn’t keep them safe. All my citrus trees are thriving and so are all my mulberry trees.

     Fencing is up and ow our dogs can safely stay in our yard. We lost two of them early on. They took off and we could not find them. I sure hope they found a good home and not the alternative. We almost lost another one as she must have had a miscarriage and we didn’t even know she was pregnant. She lost so much weight and I had to hand feed her for a few weeks. Finally, she pulled out of it and has put back the weight, but she has turned against her sister and that possess a whole other problem, now we must keep them separated. One is in our bedroom at night and the other is in the goes in the crate when the there comes in the cabin and they can’t be let out together.

     I have planted a few plants already for the garden; tomatoes and squash. I had some seeds to start from what I saved last year which was not much. I put in a sidewalk to the front gate, and we put led lights and timer lights out on the deck and corners of the house. I even put in a firepit. We added steps to the bedroom and I cemented a small pad at the bottom of them  to avoid a mud hole. The azaleas are starting to bloom and there is a Japanese magnolia in the yard and a few stray hyacinths here and there. I cut down the lantana at the mailbox it was way too leggy and big. I paid for that too as the thorny stems got me good. We removed a few trees along the driveway so we could park more vehicles in a row and not back into any behind.

     Sunsets and moon shots have been one of my favorite things these days. I take great pictures to share with family and friends. Bird watching has become another favorite pastime Just this morning I seen a pair of hawks mating. woodpeckers, owls, ducks, and geese have resided here as well. I see egrets and red winged blackbirds, finches and so much more. I saw my first rabbit the other night. There is so much wildlife here I just love it. The geese have been very vocal over the winter. They honk at all hours of the day and night and Sometimes they wake me in the middle of the night they are so loud. The squirrels have a gay time playing in the woods too. I love to watch them chase each other up and down the trees and all around. Oh, and I can’t forget my lizards they are everywhere I even have one that lives in my living room. I keep water out for him. He has been let out but he keeps coming back.

     There is always something to do here. yesterday we went fishing and who cares whether we caught anything or not. Life is good being retired.