Thursday, March 12, 2020

What is going on?

What is going on?

     This Coronavirus is getting too bizarre. You know the world is going crazy over it, yet I don’t remember the H1N1 being this crazy, I just remember they wanted everyone vaccinated.  I know I shouldn't have wigged out over it because it really isn't as bad as they say and they never say anything about how many people die from the flu which is right up there as high risk. I guess that having asthma and thinking about not breathing is my thing. I can't even watch things on TV that are closed in spots. I would much rather die in my sleep suddenly without any symptoms.

Can we get the facts about the coronavirus?
     There are so many different opinions coming from the president, news folks and the CDC and it seems like everyone has a different take on it in so many ways. Everyone wants to get in on it by scamming the public to giving their own medical advice. Who do we trust?

     I know that I for one am at risk and so is my hubby but we cannot just quit living. I have been looking for a job and I wonder if I get one will it come to an abrupt halt because of the economy falling out or will I become a statistic for wanting to go to work. I need to make some type of living here, my retirement money flew right out the door. I think about my hubby if I do get a job and I get sick. I do not want to share it with him. I told him if it happened I would stay in the “honeymoon suite” AKA the camper in the front yard just to protect him.

     Have you wondered how you would self-quarantine if you or one of your loved ones were affected? I know we ca never be too careful and we most definitely do not want to be the bearer of bad things for our families. Maybe you have an extra room that your family member can stay in. Hand washing to me seems like one of the best things we can do in order to keep the virus from spreading. I know hand sanitizer is a great thing to keep on hand too. Using that elbow for coughs and sneezes will somewhat keep the germs from spreading but nothing is truly preventable.

     I can tell you I have a very big disadvantage to this whole thing because of my lungs already being compromised and my immunity is shot when it comes to getting sick easy. Despite what others believe the colloidal silver is one thing I truly believe in. It has saved my butt more times than I can count. Keeping up with my vitamins helps me too. But do folks ever thing about their sugar intake when they get sick? They say that good health starts in your gut.  I fail in this area so many times too. I want to eat the sweets when I get wiggy. I might have to rethink that part of my plan to stay well.
Thinking of another crazy thing Friday the 13 is upon us and I am sure there are many of you that will really be on your toes about things going on. Well I am not one for superstitions. It is just another day to me.

     For those of us who are over 60, have risky health problems and all you might choose to stay away from the big crowds, especially if you have an international metropolis that you live in. You are more apt to be exposed to the virus. For now living in the country rural area works for me. I just hope that whatever happens we can all be better prepared for it. I hear China has slowed down in those effected which can be a good thing, but until the time it filters through us we have to be at a heightened risk for all of us. Just be wise and don’t go to work sick and see a doctor if your symptoms are truly what we are being told they are. Do not submit yourself to a hospital or doctor’s office if at all possible especially if you know the virus is local, for treatments that can be taken care of right at home. Pray a lot that it will end its course and be kind to others and respect them.

     Today’s Quote:     
“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.” Dwight D. Eisenhower

     Scripture of the day:

Proverbs 15:22 Plans fail when there is no consultation, But there is accomplishment through many advisers.

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