Saturday, November 5, 2016

Leaving too Soon

 Leaving too Soon
Emma Dorsey

Today I got the news, so sad, hard to hear.
Someone lost their life,
Someone we all held dear.
Someone too young to live out his dreams.
Great sportsman he was supporting his teams.
One who had great plans of cattle ranching.
He had only begun to begin branching.
Respectful and pleasant to all he embraced
A smile that we will always miss upon his bright face.
May our Eagles fly high to honor his name
Knowing his death will not go down in vain.
To all we have lost such a sweet young man.
May God hold on to him tight till we meet again.

Tomorrow I will Be There

Tomorrow I will be there
Emma Dorsey
Nov. 3, 2016
Tomorrow is a stream of cool clear water.
Tomorrow I will be that stream,
Traveling rapidly as I flow.
Tomorrow is sweet smells of floral filling the air.
Tomorrow I will be there washed clean as snow.
Tomorrow is golden grain blowing in the breeze, Huge meadow of flowers vegetables abundant
and huge fruit filling the trees.
Tomorrow no old, sick or broken,
Listen to frogs a croakin.
Tomorrow my friends, family and more
Will gather together and see no more war.
Tomorrow I will be young and spry,
and happy to know I will never die.
In a perfect world no one s ever known.
Tomorrow I’ll be there to welcome those who passed on,
Glorifying God’s Kingdom and singing great songs.
Tomorrow I will build my forever home and be able to call it my own.
I am tomorrow just wait and see!
Will you be there to share it with me?

Things of Today

Things of Today
 Emma Dorsey

I am from scraps of this and that
From antiques and recycles.
I am from broken down, crooked and a bit of shabby chic.
I am from an earthy pig farm.
The old Live Oak whose long broken branches remind me of myself.
I am from BBQ’s, homemade gift giving
From Shug and me.
I am from if you’re not bleeding, it won’t kill ya, clean your room, and searching for a heart of gold.
I’m from time forgotten and starlit moon lights.
Homemade ice cream, chocolate dope and hugs and kisses
From raising siblings and all my own, plus a few more of others.
Family pictures proudly displayed on Facebook.
I am from lots of kids and many more g kids that makes my heart a glow.
A love that no one else will know.
I have found my heart of gold, in the love of my life and I’ve got a friend.
One who brought my heart a mend.