Saturday, May 20, 2017

Moving into Hot Weather on the Farm

Back in the chicken biz! We got our five Dominique hens and two Road Island Reds last night. They are babies, just a few weeks old. That means our one hen we have that has been laying eggs will have to keep producing for a while longer by herself. I want to stick with the heritage animals.
I have a new Mango tree up now that gives me four and I hope they will be producing fruits one day. Even after all the crazy weather we had at the beginning of the year I can say we are fortunate to have blue berries for the year!  Plums and pears not so much, and peaches well if they get big it will be very little, far and few. I did plant a bunch of organic tangerine seeds a few weeks back they should be up soon too.
Our pigs are all growing like weeds and the baby girls have already seen their first heat. The momma pigs are all fat and sassy once again. Our four registered pigs are doing well too. We are about to take the boys out and pen them up in the field away from the girls for now to give everyone a rest and recovery. Lady Cersei needs to be bred, but we need a registered boar for her.
We have one week left to school including post planning for teachers. Man has this year blown by. Seniors graduate on Wednesday and students last day is there too. I have no idea what next year will have in store or even if I will still be there as they have several cuts to our department. I have enjoyed working with my mildly disabled children this year. They have me wrapped around their fingers and my heart has been swelling with great joy from working with them. Their last day was yesterday and I tried not to cry before I left. I have been named Ms. Jusey by the class as one called me and I loved hearing them laugh as they all got going calling my name. I will truly miss working with them. I hope whoever gets to work with them love them as much as I do. They could take my head aches right away and made me laugh so far as we worked altogether. They loved to dance and sing and just be the innocent lovely children that they are. It will be a long summer without them.
Moving into the hot weather where is that spring? And house renovation will be fun.

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