This room has been a well-planned out and well deserved one at that.
Last night we finished up sanding the floor and I put the stain down. I
had the fan blowing on it to take the last of the sticky off of it. I put a splash of color on the wall that has the rough barn sliding on it. Just have a few more things to get done and we will have a complete room.
has been a long process since I work on it when I can and my honey does what he
can also. I love that the fruits of our labor has brought such a beautiful room
in our home. This is only the beginning. the roof will
soon be added and we will no longer have to have buckets and coolers all over
to catch the rain. Each little step is in the right direction to having a new
house, especially since we are doing all the work ourselves. It will be a long
awaited rejoicing when it is finally all complete.