Sunday, June 25, 2017

Under Pressure

The pressure is on now. My son Josh just called to let me know that he has to go pick up my mother in Florida. The catch is that they will be coming here to stay in between time. Now where in the world am I supposed to put everyone who is coming to visit? My house is in an uproar as we are starting to build the addition on the back. I have boxes and furniture everywhere where it shouldn’t be! He said that the visit will not be right away but nearer to August. Lord only knows I need a quick build! I am glad the plans are ready to go. So is the panic of it all. I will finally get to meet my granddaughter! That I am looking forward to. But Mom always throws me into a tail spin and just the thought of her coming makes me what to get the scissors out and finish cutting my hair off! Oh the stress! I told Tom to hide them so I don’t as my hair is short enough as it is!
I know I always seem to work great under pressure but money is so tight and I know we can only do what we can. The logs will be the biggest challenge and oh how I need my wood guy more than ever now. He no longer lives down the hill from us. I need trees cut into 10 inch lengths and lots of them in order to make up the walls for our house. Cement too lots of it to cement the logs together. Lord Jehovah better be at my side to grant me the things I need to keep from going crazy! Before anything can happen I need the truck fixed, it needs a new head gasket and quick.

Silvia the Bunny

Today, after our worship service, we had to go to Walmart to pick up a few things. On the way in there was a lady standing outside the front doors and in her hands she had the cutest little bunny. She asked me if I wanted her. Wow how can I resist. We were just talking about rabbits just the other day. My husband said “You have no place for that rabbit” and I said “Oh yes, we still have a few rabbit hutches left at home from when we raised them before.” I whispered to the lady I will take her and I will be back shortly. She told me she would wait for me to come back out.
We shopped for the few things we needed and I went out to see if she was still there and she was gone. My heart sunk. But as I was crossing the parking lot, she come across the way with her. I was so happy. I took her to the car and opened up a bottle of water for her because I know it was very hot and who knew how long they were out front there. Capful after capful she lapped up.
When we got home I gave her more water and some greens that I had in the refrigerator and some sweet feed. I put her in a plastic shoe box with an old shirt pulled over one end of it for now. I am sorry to tell my cats that they have been evicted from the rabbit hutch I have been feeding them in. Hum now I have another dilemma, where will I feed the cats?
I have everything ready to go when the time comes to put my little silver bunny I names Silvia out in her new home. A rabbit waterer, a feeder pan and a rather big size home for her to live in. I hope she feels like she got picked by a good mommy to come home with.  I love saving the day!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Chloe the Goat

            We have received one of the two goats we were expecting yesterday. She is a very sweet goat at that. She is about a month or so pregnant. That is so exciting to me too. I have missed my goats so very much. I love to hear them baa. Just like my pigs I could spend a lot of time with them. I am not sure when the second goat will get here because he is a bit more skittish than she was. With all the rain we have had the pen in which they had been kept in has been pretty muddy and we all know how that can go if you are chasing down an animal that doesn’t want to be caught. You may end up face down in the mud unwillingly.  I am so happy to have goats back on the farm it really is bringing it to a complete farm again.

          We are going to build a goat milking table soon so we can start getting our own milk, butter and cheeses. I am so looking forward to learning how to milk one. I am also planning to make up some goat milk soap. My goals for this farm are getting closer to giving back and that is a great thing to be moving towards.

We are making some automatic waters this weekend for the goats and pigs. This will help us  cut back on some of the work that is required every day. Homesteading may take some work, but in the end it will make our life’s so much better. Just knowing where they come from and what our animals eat and how some of our food is grown is a great deal of relief. I fixed a wonderful blueberry pie the other day and man was it good. In the fall a garden will go out for some of the food we can grow then. School kept me tied up at the beginning of this year so it was not prepared for. once we have things going it will not take as long or as much time to get things going in the spring ahead.