We still have not got the hole in the wall closed up yet. My hubby tore out the pine flooring so that we could save it. What we found under that was a nightmare; warped pressed board that had seen its day since it was first installed on the trailer in 1975. We found old linoleum under the boards in the hall way. There were bits and pieces of plywood around the wall area by the bath and at the back door. Not much more to support anyone. We even found an old air duct for central air under it. We were measuring the room from one part of room to , the other to see what would be our best route for buying new plywood when I stepped on a very soft spot that almost gave way. Funny thing was my hubby just told me it was fine to walk on. Wasn't much more time later when he was measuring in about the exact place and went on through the floor. I was gasping when he did too because he caught the board square center. All I could think was we were going to the hospital. He was howling to help him up, but I was so afraid to step out too. I stayed near the edge with the plywood and it was a far reach to help him. This ended the work day for both of us. Thank goodness I had been working in the living room with the girls all weekend long trying to get them out of my living room.
Bruise |
On Saturday, we moved boxes of books and folded clothes and packed up whatever we could to crates to make a makeshift bed for the girls. Then we cleared out my office area in the back part of the living room and swept and mopped everything down good. In the process we uncovered a mouse nest under the old file cabinet and the mouse went a running across the room. The girls were chasing it up and down the many crates stacked in front of the china cabinet. They wanted to catch it and make it a pet. Sorry girls not today.
After the girls went home on Saturday night, I sat in my massage chair to unwind. I went to bed dead tired too. Sunday was a great day for worship and after we had plans to get that floor covered and try to get the wall up. I worked on the living room for a little bit and finally got it back to the order it was before the storm. The girls had a new space to sleep and not on my coffee table and bench anymore. They even made a sign on their chalk board to say they had a new room. That was right before the whole mess started. I had just stacked my office supplies in the laundry room and the bottom box gave out and every thing went crashing. I was too tire to give a hoot. Fortunate all that spilled was the hundred pair of scissors I had. Then I went in to help measure. Not much has happened since then. I had school the next day and pop is still feeling the pain.
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