Monday, July 31, 2017

The Perfect Deviled Egg

     For those of us who love a deviled egg but hate to fight peeling them, I have the best tip for you. I have boiled eggs for so many years and I always dreaded peeling them. You know if they are not just the right age or something it is no easy task taking off those shells. Sometimes you come out with perfectly easy to peel eggs and other times when you need them the most to come out perfect, well you know what happens… half of the egg ends up in the garbage. Well, I found the perfect way for you to have perfect eggs every time. I bought this wonderful steamer pan and I add just enough water to it to meet with the steamer insert. Then you place as many eggs as you like in and cover them with a lid and bring the water to a boil. Now, here is the best part, you turn down the heat to simmer for 20 minutes and then turn them off and cool for a little bit and when you come back all you do is crack the side of the egg and the whole shell just slides right off. No more divots, no more losing most of the egg to the garbage. This has been a life saver for me as we love deviled eggs and I love taking them to parties and get togethers. I steamed up 2 dozen of them the other night and had them cleaned and ready to fill in just a few minutes. Everyone thinks I was crazy to make them but it is a breeze now.
Here is my pan, and here are some of my eggs I made the other day. Perfect every time and done in no time at all. Bon Apatite

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Tomorrow is Back to the Grind Stone but Today it is About Reminiscing

     We go back to school tomorrow to get ready for the students on Friday. Oh how I wish that day would not come. I have so much to do on the farm and it is just mid-summer.  The things I need done can’t get done on their own now. I still need to get this house in order. Glad we have one end of our build started. Now if we can just move on and just get it all done. 

     I sat with all my babies for a long time watching them eat. Jacob and I have become close. He is the sweetest goat I have had since Marshmallow, Moonglow and Cinnamon. They were my first babies from Dolly and they were triplets. I miss them. We spent hours together when they were still here. I hope I have some more kids to fill in the gap. I wonder how Dolly and Calico are these days and if they ever had any more babies. She had 8 kids when she was here.

      I will have to get a new pen ready for Jacob here soon, he and Chloe are still not warming up to one another. She loves to butt heads with him.

Dolly, my very first Momma goat
Marshmallow one of our first babies

Calico our first buck
I have been collecting eggs for a week or so now and today the girls got them back. I hope that one of my hens sit on them. I could use to have some birds come spring for meat. I may have a Rhode Island Rooster coming. Our friend has found he ended up with one and he doesn't
want him. This means one more pen will have to be done up for them too. I want to keep my heritage birds all separate as one breed so I have true birds. I really need two more hen pens and one goat pen. I still need to move a rabbit hutch closer to the house too. See there are a lot of things I need to do and the house project is the biggest one yet. My garden gets worked on too. I guess I better ask God for the strength to get it all done on top of going back to school.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Wow it’s Alive!

     I am so amazed that my rye and wheat grains have started to sprout. The grains have been in the refrigerator for a while too. Now I can start the buckets of fodder for my girls (hens)! I will have to make a trip over to Earth Fares to buy some new seeds this next week. Boy are the girls going to love me. It will save me so much money in the long run. 

     Today we went to check on rabbits and I think this time we have a winner.  Silvia the rabbit may well be pregnant now. We put Bunbun in with her to breed. She is beginning to nest again. Sugar was bred also with him at the same time, so hopefully we can have babies. The g kids are hoping for new babies.