Thursday, July 6, 2017

Growing Up

Growing Up
          Today we are getting lessons in breeding rabbits. Since the g-girls brought their bunnies over to our house to live we have since found out that we have one male and two females. Today we also noticed that their female that brought started to pull out her fur. Hum… Well I know what that is all about but they were worried, so I told them to go do some research on it. And research they did. They came back in to tell me they needed to get a box for her because she was going to have babies. We let them know there was already a hutch set up for her in the back yard. They were so excited too. We got it ready for her and prepared her box and rounded up food bowls etc. They watched a few more videos and came in to tell us we needed to cut her nails before the babies were born. They even told me how they can tell whether the rabbits are pregnant by how big their bellies are in your hand. They told me they were to check the babies every day for the first week to see if they were healthy and well fed.  They will be good farmers one day if they keep up the good work researching. 

          I too did some research just as a refresher course since we have not had rabbits here for a good many years. We never raised the dwarf bunnies before we had the meat bunnies. I found out how much feed they were to have every day and what they weight for the basic knowledge. I also found out that the Netherland bunnies are a very popular breed. Did you know rabbits can breed and have their kits in 30 days? Did you know female rabbits were called does and males were bucks? Or did you know that momma rabbits were called dam and male fathers were sires?  You only need one buck to ten does when breeding, and it can be as early of 5 months old for the does and 6 months old for the bucks.  So if you think rabbits would be a great thing to  breed  make plans for lots  of them and a way to sell them before you get too crazy because the can  have up to 8 babies if you are breeding dwarfs.  Everyone needs their own pen just remember and the male is the one put in with the female. I hope this is a help to anyone who reads my blog that may be interested in rabbits breeding.  Well now you know just a bit more.

          In the mean time we will have to put the male in his own pen too. I am sure my bunny will be pregnant too if she isn’t already. In the meantime I think my g kids are starting to grow up, and in ways that is good and in others it saddens me.

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