Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Planning Time

I have been working on many things this month. I have my prep time started for the ending of this year and starting plans for the following. I have really been doing a lot of research about homesteading.
 I have plans for a goat stand ready to build. We are taking in one more goat. It is castrated but he will be a good mower. I am still looking for a buck for Chloe the goat to breed with. She has become less skittish which helps when we breed her. I hope we will have a baby or babies from her this year.
 We should be getting eggs from the older hens soon since they are settling into their new digs. By the end of next month our younger hens should be laying. The one who lays now is adjusting to her mates too. I will still save eggs to eat but leave some for the hens to hatch for meat chickens.
Our registrations for our pigs are back now. We will now be able to trade for a boar or sell all of our boars to buy one of a different lineage. We will breed Lady Cersei in August along with our other females. By spring we should be ready to sell some piglets.
I would love to be able to put up some tomatoes but my plants never put out the first bloom. I am getting ready to plant the fall garden this next week. I am going to stop by the farmers market to see what is out there. Apples will be one thing I will be putting up this year. I did get a few bags of blueberries in the freezer.
I have been looking for some New Zealand white rabbits to start breeding for meat too. I found a very cool hutch plan today that allows you to save the poo to a bucket. That will be in the making soon too. For now the g-girl’s rabbits will be just pets and if we get babies from them we will sell them.
There are just so many things I want to do here and only so many hours in a day and so much money we don’t have to get things done but little by little I will check them off my list of things to be done and hopefully we can see some income coming in instead of always going out.

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