Are you wanting to learn a new language and prepared to do all you can to learn it? Maybe you want to learn for a new job that hires those that are Bilingual or perhaps you are getting ready to go on a dream vacation and want to be able to speak enough of the foreign tongue there to get you by. When you open up the book you want to learn from it looks like this #$^(*&(^&^!% and you shrink back in fear! Eeks what have I got myself into!!!? How am I going to learn this without help?
Well, I ran across this problem many years ago, yet I have always had this language close by and it really was my own language, English almost. I am talking about a book we all have in our possession or at least our parents or grandparents did in my case. It is the Bible, God's Holy Writings! Sure I have been a church goer since I was a baby yet from what I had learned from my grandmother church was just a few things that were taught over and over. That being, Jesus was a baby and we celebrated his Birth and maybe we see the connection of his death for us as an all time thing that we celebrate too. We sang songs like "He's got the whole world in his hands and the Old Rugged Cross." Little did we know what that truly meant. Who Controls the World.
Many people have so many things that we have been taught in that church they serve and they swear by never really digging into that Book of God's Words! Then there are many who read it daily and still cannot get the sense of it. Yeah that was me in the first instance. I never read the Bible clear through only because King James spoke in a way that I was lost and that was just what he wanted us to be. Did you know he even changed some things and added to to many if it fit what he wanted us to believe or fit his purpose? YES, I saw $%#^%#&11!!! I left the church when I was 12 shortly after I was baptized. Wow I bet you didn't see that coming. I know my grandmother never did because I never missed a Sunday in those 12 years I went with her, and I had a pin to prove it! But that was all I had taken from all those year.
By that time I had seen my parents split up. My mom having my sister out of wedlock and remarrying. Then I had seen things in the church that were the same. Nothing like goodwill towards all men, like Charlie Brown taught me. I learned of elders running away with the secretary, Drunkards in the bars on Saturday and serving the communion on Sunday. Wait ... There was something very wrong here. I just couldn't see things that I was taught in the 10 commandments .
This takes me 18 more years down the road searching in several other churches. Not much changed and no real understanding and no true answers come with that search. I needed that in my life by that time. After two bad marriages, being raped, molested and just all around low from being beat down by the world, pregnant at an early age and aborted my very own blood, and now with four kids all alone later and no hope. That church I once sat in wouldn't even speak to me when I cried out for help. I didn't even have my grandmother to turn to any more. Praying things would get better how was that possible?
In one week from my prayer, I had visits from two different groups. One the Mormons and a Bible they claimed was written after God's word that he told someone to write (another foreign language!) I was repotting cactuses that day. The second two sweet ladies of Jehovah's Witnesses, in which I had never heard of before. Well I bet you can't guess which one I went with. These two ladies ! Just like my grandmother. And the others well when they came I sent them away with their own cactus for their house. They share a scripture I never gave thought to then explained it to me. Wow what was I missing out on! No one had ever done that for me before! They asked if they could come back the following week and I said yes. Well I learned more about the Bible in one months time than I ever did in all my days. I learned that God would forgive me if I learned about him and change my ways? I would see my grandmother in time, right here on earth and all other loved ones I lost that I loved dearly. I ate up every bit of that information because they proved it straight out of the Bible, but not the King James Bible I had, but a New World Translation A Bible I could honestly read and understand. It didn't take me long to see that the Bible was not a foreign language as I had always thought . No more gobbledy gook! I was well on my way to a great understanding of what God's words meant to me and I continue to learn each and every day as I study daily. But If those two wonderful ladies never came to my door to explain what I didn't know or understand I would probably not even be here today. (Acts 8:26-40)
I know God answers prayers because he answered mine all those years ago, and keeps on answering. I learned that a foreign language can be a challenge sometimes but it is well worth all the practice and studies you put into it and who knows you might even find the language was easier than you thought if you find a friend to work with. I am learning more about German , French, and Spanish myself and some times the Bible may scare you if you have no real understanding but think of all the great things you can get out of it if you just have someone help you. I hope learning the language of the Bible is something you would like to take on in your lifetime. As we see things only worsen in the world we need all the help from God we can get. So give him a try find a great study partner. Jehovah's Witnesses offer free Bible study courses and I would help you learn too. Please check out Jehovah's Witnesses if you get the chance.