Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Boy it Really is a Challenge

     Here I am working on the 9th day of the month and I realized I have not hit every day as I tried to do. This writing is a challenge when you have not been doing it for a while like I used to do. Yesterday I got side tracked (which I do a lot these days) ;)  because it was bill paying day and Monday was well Monday I reckon. Not living on the farm anymore where there was always something going on each and every day seemed to be way easier to write on a daily basis. 

    For the last few days it has been rainy and we have not really got out to get anything done, not to mention the heat index is still three digits for us. I do know for certain that soap making is one of those things that need to get done while it is not pouring down rain. Just like baking a cake the weather can screw up a batch of soap and I just can't afford to let that happen. I sold my last 5 bars of patchouli soap last night. Everyone seems to love it and we call it our hippy soap. I cannot keep it in supply even for myself and that is the only soap I use. Pop on the other hand will add whatever scent I might throw in his as long as it is not girly smelling. Funny thing is all the guys love my hippy soap too. I am glad I bought plenty of patchouli leaf to add to my soap so I don't have to worry about running out real soon. 

    I still have a truck load of dirt and a trailer full to unload off into my garden beds but with the rain we have had it will be waterlogs and heavy so I will pulse on that for a moment  but I do know sooner or later it is something that needs to get done. I have several herbs that need to be planted in their permanent space before too long. 

    Yes finding something to write about every single day is a challenge but I will try hard to get as much of the 30 days done even if I have to go into the next month. But for the rest of the day I will call it a day for my blog page.

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