Friday, August 4, 2023

Downpours of Rain

 The rain started late last night, but not before the marshmallow and graham crackers and candy bars came out and the fire was lit. It is so great to have my g kids here a visiting. We had a blast roasting marshmallows and having pop make up long forks from serving forks and duck tape and bits and pieces of an old couple of pieces of an old lawn umbrella. Great minds think on their feet, Recycle, Recycle, Recycle.

    Now for today it has been raining all day. We were planning to take a trip to Savannah to go visit our son but being there wasn't anything that he could figure to do cheap or free and his work schedule didn't allow too much time so we decided not to go. One of the kids went to have a dinner date with her boyfriend and the other has opted to hang with us and play her game on the computer. 

    We can't let the day be a total washout though, Pop is going to go pick up a couple of IBC tanks to build a nice little chicken coop when it is not pouring down. I have wanted to have a few chickens here since we moved I so miss my farm. Gardening is great and all but it is not the same as having live animals to help feed you. We use more eggs than you would know especially when we make homemade ice cream every other night. Since we live in a nice little subdivision in the country but live at the very end of it all and have a wooded acreage between us and the rest of the street  chicken may be the only thing we can keep as farm life is concerned. I would give anything to have my goats again though. Using the IBC tanks will give me just the coop size and grazing area I need. Recycle is great!

                         (Mother Earth News Photo by Mary Whitcomb)

   The rain has come and gone but will be popping in again later in the afternoon through the evening So things need to get on the ball. 


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