Friday, January 31, 2020

A Little Taste of Havana

 A Little Taste of Havana

     Do you ever have one of those days where you just don’t know what to fix for dinner and you are tired of the same old stuff? I know I do and it drives me crazy. I have a freezer full of pork from the early summer slaughter and I never know what to do with it. Yesterday I got out a pork shoulder and threw it in the crockpot. I didn’t want to have just a roast of it so I did some research on how to make Cuban sandwiches.

     Now if you have ever had a great Cuban sandwich you know how delicious they are. We have a great Cuban sandwich place in Atlanta that my hubby use to frequent a lot when he was younger and we have eaten there a few times when we venture down that way. "The Havana Sandwich Shop" It was a place that made you think you were in Cuba sitting at a table eating your favorite Cuban treats. They had a small area that had groceries you could buy and the older folks there were all part of the restaurants family in some way. The place was always packed. And don’t forget the music and all the awards for great food! Family tradition. If you are ever in town and you want a truly amazing lunch  check it out.  HavanaSandwichShop

     A few years ago the place burnt to the ground and they moved it to a new location. We visited there also but it did not have the charm of the old place. One of the other family members had started the new place and there wasn’t that flair.  They still had great food but it wasn’t just the same.
I heard they had so many neighbors and patrons that helped the original family members get the old place back together and started a new. I haven’t been there since but I bet the place is close to the old way of doing things
     Any way I looked for a recipe to use for my pork shoulder and I came up with one that I combined a few for.I had cooked the meat enough to cut it off the bone and I sliced it up.

2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons of Himalayan salt (called for Kosher but we use Himalayan)
2 tablespoons of cumin
1 teaspoon pepper (I grind mine fresh and use the multi colored kind.)
¼ teaspoon of red pepper flakes
7-8 cloves of garlic finely chopped
2 tablespoons each of lime juice, lemon juice and orange juice
A few bay leaves
A finely chopped small onion
I cooked it until it was falling apart for the most part.

To serve it, place on a sub roll with a piece of Swiss cheese some mustard and a garlic dill spear. I am not one for Swiss cheese so I used white American on mine.
I served it with homemade coleslaw and black beans.
I know I could never make it as good as they do down in at Atlanta but it was a great dinner. So if you are tired of the same old meals here is a great way to add some zing to your taste buds.

My version of the cuban sandwich lunch.

Quote of the day:

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”
 Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own

Scripture of the day:

Matt 4:4 But he answered: “It is written: ‘Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every word that comes from Jehovah’s mouth.’”


Thursday, January 30, 2020

Earthsblessing Farm Sustaining and Surviving: Z Day- No ZZZZ here! It’s time to get down to it.

Earthsblessing Farm Sustaining and Surviving: Z Day- No ZZZZ here! It’s time to get down to it.: Z Day- No ZZZZ here! It’s time to get down to it.      I have decided to take my blogging to another level and that is to start ma  ...

Z Day- No ZZZZ here! It’s time to get down to it.

Z Day- No ZZZZ here! It’s time to get down to it.

     I have decided to take my blogging to another level and that is to start ma If you hit Follow you will get the link that tells you when I have posted a new page. I will be doing a few new things and I hope it helps me in the long run. I hope you will help support me in my journey.
king money from it. I am taking a course to get serious with my blog. I do need some help here from you readers. I would love to have you follow me if you read what you like. To my friends who do not know how to follow there is a button on the top right hand corner of my page “Follow”.

     Quote of the day:

“It is never too late to be what you might have been”. Mary Engelbreit

     I keep this hanging on my office wall to remind me I can still do anything if I want to.

     Scripture of the day:

James 1: 22 However, become doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves with false reasoning. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Y Day- Yoda and the Yellow Flowers

    Yesterday I spent a good bit of time with my youngest kitten Yoda. He and I have become best buds. I have had to do a lot of nursing on him since birth. He had infected eyes and snot nose. The routine was to clean his eyes and nose every day. Now he has gotten use to that and when I pick him up he knows what is coming first thing. I keep telling him, "I hate boogers and kitty poop in eyes."
Last night he spent most of the night snuggling up to me in the bedroom even sometimes under the blanket. Today I was in the bathroom brushing my hair and he came galloping down the hall and slammed on his breaks right at the door. He sat down and meowed at me a few times then galloped back down the hall. He has never done that before. Back down the hall he comes and does this all over again. I picked him up and brought him into my office cleaned out his eyes and nose and sent him on his way. Funny how cats do some of the funniest things when they pick you as their person.

     Now for the yellow daffodils that are blooming all over my yard, it is far too early for them to be blooming. The weather we have had, has sent them into overload and before we know it they will not make the early spring show. Did you know that they are highly poisonous to animals? My pigs have rooted so much of the yard that they have uncovered those ones that have been buried deep enough that they wouldn’t bloom. I guess they know they are not good to eat because they leave them uprooted everywhere.

     I really thing that there has been a huge change in our geological area and we are becoming more like the Florida neighbors. I am saying this because I am 50 south of the most northern part of Georgia and it is just crazy. Our temperatures this year alone have been way above the norm for highs. We have only had a day or so of freeze, which will hopefully kill off the bugs, which I doubt. This winter has brought so much rain and my yard has really taken the shots from it. Our driveway (which we have had fixed several times over the years) is a wreck again. No one wants to venture up it, not even my kids. All I have to say is this better bring the best growing season this year. This week along has been forecasted rain every other day, cold and warmer, cold and warmer, and we all wonder why we are all getting sick.

     I know in between the rainy days I am going to have to get out and start cleaning up the overgrown wisteria and move some rock if it isn’t too awfully cold. Some much to do!

     Today’s Quote:

"She turned to the sunlight and shook her yellow head, And whispered to her neighbor: "Winter is dead."
A.A. Milne (When We Were Very Young (Winnie-the-Pooh, #3))

Scripture of the day:

Dan. 2:21 He changes times and seasons, Removes kings and sets up kings, Gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those with discernment.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

X day-(sort of) Downs Syndrome, That extra Chromosome

X day-(sort of) Downs Syndrome, That extra Chromosome

     I want to talk about Downs Syndrome today because I have worked with some of the most amazing, kind and loveable children. These children have found a spot in my heart that brings me such happiness to be a part of their lives.
Here are a few things you may not know about Downs.^

1.  One in every 691 babies in the US alone have been diagnosed with downs and that is even before them are born. That is approximately 400000 children. Wow that 460000+ in 2019.*

2. Did you know that downs is not inherited? Well now you know.

3. The risk for having a downs child goes up with age.  1-2000 will be born to mothers in their 20’s , Mothers older than that upward to 40 have a ratio of 1-900 and many over the age of 49 will have a chance of 1-10, but the age range of downs fall between 35 and under for the most born.

4. Some of the other health issue that downs children experience are dry skin, double jointedness, and flat feet. Some of the  more serious diagnoses can be leukemia which can take three different forms: Acute Lymphocytic leukemia, Acute  myeloid Leukemia which affects 3% and lastly Transient myclophiliferative disorder , but most Downs children  will show symptoms of this a one month and can clear up without hospitalization.

5. The life expectancy or these children have increased over the last century as they may not have lived passed their tenth birthday and today they may well exceed 50 years of age.

Hunter My # 1 Buddy!
6. Some many of these children who have gone on to see college and universities in their education due to the changes for special provision designed programs. Many hold down jobs, found love and married and even had children that were not Downs but normal children. Today you can find children that have become models and actors and so much more. (One of my favorite is Ansel Cole Sibus on Stumptown)**. My # 1 kiddo is Hunter and he won my heart the very first day I ever met him. He graduates this year!

     Like I said I have worked with some amazing children. They have a big place in my heart too. So maybe you too can find a special friend to nurture and help soar to higher and better things for them too.

Today's quote 

 “Dad they think she has Down Syndrome." He smiled genuinely as his eyes welled up with tears. "That's okay. We love her.”
 Kelle Hampton, Bloom: Finding Beauty in the Unexpected--A Memoir
How can you not love this  Quote!

Scripture of the day. I know He will heal them all and make them whole.

 Rev 21 :3 With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”


I credit my information to ^ (Actbeat,2020), also *( **, Inc.1990-2020 

Sunday, January 26, 2020

W Day- Working on another Victorian Beauty

W Day- Working on another Victorian Beauty

     I love drawing pictures and I have been working on this beautiful Victorian beauty the last few days. After my last one I draw and used colored pencil I decided to just draw in pencil on this one. I love finding pictures of old houses and drawing them and then I can say ha I own that house even if it is just a drawing of it.

Work in progress.

The house I built

The Dorsey House

     I have always been fascinated with all the wonderful details that each house gives. The more detailed the better. I remember when I was younger and out looking for a house to live in We came across some amazing ones with all the frills and gingerbread. Some were in disrepair, the kind you would love to just fix up and make it your own. I know those houses are money pits and once your spent your fortune on fixing them up you just couldn’t put any old furniture into it, it had to be period pieces. Just as scroll and elegant as the house itself. Something I could only dream of. So I draw.
I did live in a grand house once and it is one that belonged to my hubby’s family. It was his great uncles home along with the neighbor’s houses that belonged to the other members of his family. Long before I found all this out I would never in my wildest dreams think I could say that house and I would always have a connection. Years after we moved and I went off to live in my little house on George Street in Findlay Ohio, (which had some gingerbread too it but was a small version) I met my hubby and that was when I found out the history to the house. Years later I said that house would be mine again and I built it. It took me while but it was the house I loved.

     I still love these grand houses and one day… well I can still draw them. I could even go into my architecture program and make up the plans for one. My fascination with these houses could have made me lots of money in the day if I was designing then. I love drawing the things I love the most that I know could only have on paper but it is something I will keep doing until my hands no longer can draw.

     I hope you check out some of the other things I do on my Facebook page Emma’s Scentsations

My quote for the day:

My Scripture for the day:

Deut. 30:9 Jehovah your God will make you abundantly prosperous in all the work of your hands

Saturday, January 25, 2020

V-Day- Time to Think about Vegetables

V-Day- Time to Think about Vegetables

     Let’s talk planting season now. It is time to get started. I always get started in January with all the vegetables that need to a head start before them go into the ground such as tomatoes, eggplant, all the melon plants and vines plants like cukes and squashes. I also start my cabbage, pumpkins and peppers. Most of these vegetables need 6-8 weeks inside to be ready to go into the ground. Some of the other vegetables that I haven’t really tried to grow such as celery, and many herbs can be started early too.

       Once it is time to set them out to grow first set them in a protected area so they can harden off so they are not so spindly, just to give them some strength from wind. This year I hope to be able to spend more time getting things ready and have a bigger garden than last year.

      I have already gone out and pulled up all the old dead plants. I will be getting ready to add some more compost to stir in for nutrients I like to stir in some rabbit poo into it to add some fertilizer. I think it is the best way to enrich the soil and it is far less acid than hog  manure that needs to cool off period before you stir it.

     I order all my seeds from places that guarantee non GMO and I love the heirloom ones too. I have also saved my seeds from many of my foods for the next years plants each year. I freeze many of them as they need a freeze time and I can keep them longer too. We are going to have to get out and till up some more space this year and we need to do it sooner than later. I want to can a bunch this year and maybe even send some to farmers market if we do well. I want to get a fence around the garden this year too just in case we have pigs escape. They hit the garden first thing every time and that is what happened last year and I was glad it was still early enough to replant some things. 

      What will you plant in your garden this year? Anything new or fun? I am going to try and get some luffa planted earlier this year, and of course I have to plant my elderberry and Pawpaw trees. Who knows what else I will come up with?

      I will be going out soon to start cutting out all the oak trees and things not belonging in my blueberry bushes and cutting the bushes down again for a more manageable size to pick from. There is always something to get done around here on the farm so I can definitely stay busy. I am looking forward to this garden and warmer weather that is for sure.


Friday, January 24, 2020

U Day – Use and Reuse

U Day – Use and Reuse

     How many times have we bought something used it and threw away the package instead of recycling it? I am sure many have and never thought twice about the effects it has on our planet. Here on the farm I separate my garbage. Cans and plastic bottles have a recycle bag each as our dump or scrap has a recycle bin for each one. I save all my plastic bags and plastic wrappers and send them back to the grocery store.  We save aluminum to recycle too. I reuse as much glass as possible. I refill them with beans, rice, and other dry goods that come in bags, paper or boxes. This assures me that I will not have bugs or mice get into them.  I have even been saving my plastic rotisserie chicken packages for  starting my garden. I have had friend save egg cartons for me to share and sell eggs with them. It is always nice to share especially when are chickens have done a great job over this winter supplying us eggs. I also recycle things to create miniature stuff I never know what I might need to create something cool for that. I save all my deodorant containers for making salve. They work perfectly as you can roll them up as needed. I save medicine bottles too to save seeds in.

     There are many things that can be recycled like: toilet paper rolls. They can be reused for fire starters and seed starters. We have even used them for art projects for the kids. Magazines are a great thing to recycle too, pass them onto schools or thrift stores. I have a project bowl that I keep old wine corks for, I don’t drink, but my father-in-law bought them for me to use in art projects. I have made a few things from them. A heart trinket and a serving tray. I still have a lot left but one day I will use them. My cats love to use them for toys. I sometimes use old jeans to make comforters and pillows even lawn chair covers and placemats.  I even recovered a couch in jeans once.Tee shirt  for making rag rugs.  I love collecting flat glass to do my faux stained glass on. I have even found a tram to paint on.  You never know what things could end up being. If you just think about it . Me, I am always looking for cool things to make in my art work.

     We recycle all our leftovers to the pigs they love that, but I have found there are some foods that they refuse to eat and I put them in the worm compost. We even have a load of metal to be recycles such as refrigerator and stove that will be going to scrap for money in our pocket. That is where or tin cans and aluminum go too. I even recycle tree branches if I can find nicely shaped ones, they make great curtain rods or even furniture, but most of them end up in our wood burner. I have a stack of pallets I use for furniture, I made a nice swing and we have even used then to build a garage and barn. I want to make me a she shed from the ones I have now.

      I hope I have given you a few ideas on how to use or reuse stuff. There are many ways you can use and reuse things and cut down on your foot print. I hope you too find uses for things around your house to help. Even furniture can be recycled to another family in need or you can paint wooden furniture to upgrade to a new look. You just have to be resourceful. You never know hat used things can do. 

                                         Here is my quote for the day and my scripture.

 Rev. 2:7 Let the one who has an ear hear what the spirit says to the congregations: To the one who conquers  I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.’

Thursday, January 23, 2020

T-Day Time for a Break

T-Day Time for a Break

     Yesterday I took a bit of time for myself. Sometimes I just have to do that. I spent the day just listening to classic rock on Pandora and watched a few of my favorite Agatha Christie: Miss Marple.

     I sometimes need time to think about things and just enjoy a day away from the computer. One thing I did do was get my son Matt’s package ready to go in the mail. I did get laundry taken care of and just lazed a bit. I am sure that most of us can say they need a day for time out. Just a kind of mental break.  It always seems to rejuvenate me when I do.

     Today I am back at it and seriously thinking about my bookshelf. Thinking is a big thought too because I just don’t know where to start on it. There are many old books that need to be packed up and sent to the thrift store. My thought is how I can do this without my hubby saying oh I need that book, even though it has been on the shelf for more than 15 years. I do have a few books too, lots of them.  I just know it is cold outside and I have so much to do inside that I just need to get started. I want to down size and minimize. You see I really don't have a lot of space to waste on books that will never get read again or even once anymore at least not  sit on a shelf and collect dust. I have decided that books that are downloaded are far less work and I probably have close to 5000 or more on my kindle. I read a lot of books too. I have two huge book cases full of doubles and triples of some books that were my children' s books when they use to study with us.  Now days even our study books are on line and we don't seem to use the real thing anymore but I will keep at least one of each. Who knows someone may find the truth written in one somewhere along the way. Great thought.

Let’s see how much I can get accomplished today.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

S Day- Scrub –a- dub I have Soap in My Tub

S Day- Scrub –a- dub I have Soap in My Tub
This is my label for my soap. I found it one day and I love it! I just added color to it!
     Soap making has been one of those things that has been made here on the homestead since 1998. It all started with a book I bought a few years before that. I had been in a book club and bought this book thinking I would love to try making it someday. When we moved to Georgia we went to the Hiawassee Mountain fair with the kids and watched a lady make a batch in a big old cauldron pot. We talked about how hard the soap was and I told her my kids kill bars of soap in one bath every night. She told me once you make your own soap you would never go back to store bought soap and that homemade soap is so much harder than store bought too. Well to me that sounded like a no brainer.

     My hubby and I went looking for all our supplies and started to make soap not much longer after we went to the fair. She was so right It seemed to last far longer with the kids. My kids didn’t destroy it as fast anymore. We started to make more soap through the year, and we started to take it to different health food stores in the area. We had so many different kinds of soap that we made just to find out which of the recipes in the books worked the best.  We made fruit and veggie soaps, we saved all our fat and rendered it and suet for the homestead soap recipe and we used honey and oats and so many different kinds of herbs. We had soap drying all over the house. I guess that the time we started not many folks really wanted to try it, but as the years have gone by we see so many places that sell it and I see a lot of recipes for melt and pour soaps but I just feel like that is cheating because that is all you do is melt someone else’s Glycerin soap to make some you add stuff too. I wanted to have the pleasure of saying I did it all.

      I made so much soap over the years for my family and even used my daughter’s breast milk to make some for her. My kids love the way it feels and how it prevents skin problems like zits. I love it because after all these years I have very few wrinkles and I know it is due to making and using my soap. No chemicals that can damage my skin. That is the best thing.
Patchouli and Homestead soap

      My favorite soap and the one and only one I use is patchouli. I mix the leaves into the soap and put essential oils of patchouli in it to add the best scent ever, it is a great exfoliator and it is great for aging skin, which I sure believe.

      My Hubby love the homestead soap it is a very hard bar and uses a huge amount of lard. He does add a scent to it sometimes like cedar wood or sandalwood.

     My son wants Lavender and cedar wood for him and his girlfriend so as soon as it warms up a bit we are making him some. I think he is trying to impress her because I had to make him some bath bombs too. He and his twin brother are getting a care package with soap, lip balm and arnica salve and a silver generator.

      I am a firm believer that homemade is the best and I do think it is safer for even the youngest ones. Very gentle and soothes the worst of skin. I am so glad I bought the book and tried to do it on my own, but I love teaching myself things I thought were cool anyways. I love to create natural spa stuff for myself and family and that is the way we should always think about our families.
I have purchased many different books on soap making but this book I will show is the first and my number one go to for making my soap.

I have made shampoo bars and liquid laundry soap and liquid soap for the bath too. The more I can eliminate the bad chemicals like poly glycol (which is basically antifreeze which is just about everything from soap to shampoo to toothpaste) I didn’t think my babies needed that.
I will leave you with one recipe: Which soon I will tell you how to make. One batch or slab of soap makes about 30 bars of soap depending how you slice it.

The Quote for the day is

Let your light shine before men.​—Matt. 5:16.

Monday, January 20, 2020

R Day -Some of My favorite Recipes

R Day -Some of My favorite Recipes

     I know everyone has a favorite few recipes that they keep close at hand and they always seem to be the go to ones when you are just wanting to feel at home or close to family. I figured that I could share some of my recipes with you. I will start with breakfast.

     French toast
When I make French toast I always seem to use about a dozen eggs because everyone loves my French toast.
I am going to tell you right now that I am a dumper from the start and my hubby hates me for it too. But for this I will give you a guestament of how much on this recipe.

1/8-1/4 teaspoon each; cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg
A dash of vanilla
One dozen eggs
Your choice of bread several pieces depending on how many each person eats. I always give a choice of bread to everyone too. We always have wheat bread and I eat rye but my g kids like white bread.
Mix well I use the stick blender to mix mine.
Here is the part I love. I use a pie pan to set my bread in. I let it soak up a lot of egg mixture before I put it into the skillet. I use cast Iron to cook in and I think it is the best way to cook. I use coconut oil to coat the bottom of the pan and it does a great job keeping things from sticking. Make sure you heat the pan well first also. I place two slices in at a time. I brown them enough to make the egg not run. After I turn it I place a bit of butter on the top. Once the bread has toasted I plate them and powder them with powdered sugar. Mine on the other hand I soak until I can barely pick it up out of the pie plate. It is really gooey too. I don’t like for my inner parts of the toast to be dry and I cook it just enough to give the egg just enough to not to be running.
My g kids and my hubby use pancake syrup on theirs but I use brown sugar on mine. Sometime I end up having to add an egg or two just to stretch it out for seconds but usually one dozen eggs covers 12 pieces of bread and my soaking.  I would rather have French toast over pancakes any day, but there are days when I do make them too.

     Here are some other of my recipe for :
Makes 6 I always have to double this recipe.
1 Cup milk
1 egg
 2 tablespoons of butter
1 cup flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 tablespoon sugar
I always try to make a change up with this recipe by adding fresh berries or fruit, chocolate or cinnamon and let the G kids guess what I used. I tell them it is my secret recipe.
Mix well all but fruits (I use the stick blender for this one too. Stir in fruits last with spoon. Make sure your skillet is very hot I spray my pan with olive oil this time and I drop just a small drop of mix on pan to make sure it is hot enough.
I use an ice cream scoop to measure out my cakes. I can usually get four in at the same time if I use the biggest skillet. I flip them right when they start golden brown. I put a bit of butter on and they are ready to go.
I don’t know if you like crepes or not but my family does
And that is something I can’t make fast enough. I will post it on a picture of one of my cupboards. And A few others too.


Heat up the skillet and add butter to keep crepe from sticking make sure the pan is very hot. I use my smaller skillet for this. Once it pulls away from the pan nicely flip it for just a few seconds. Stack them on a plate when cooked.
When I make crepes I mix up a batch of cottage cheese or ricotta and yogurt and add fresh fruit with a bit of sugar to sweeten, then add to center of it and roll up in the crepes once they are cooked. Then I spread a bit more over the rolled up crepe. My g kids eat them faster than I can make them. But you can make then in advance and refrigerator them unto are ready for them. Reheat in microwave a few seconds to warm up.

     Main meal 

My grand dad always made us this wonderful fat noodle dish we call popeye but I later found its name to be potpie. It is much like dumplings. He would always save a ham bone to make the broth. He would roll out the dough very thin and cut it into squares about 2x2 inches .When the broth was at a rolling boil he would drop the squares in a few at a time until the pot is full. I always add a bit of cold water mixture of flour to it to make it thick up. Granddad server his over mashed potatoes but that is over kill for us so we just eat it as a meal itself. Here is the recipe
2 eggs and milk enough to fill a 2 cup, cup together.
Salt and (garlic  optional)
4 tablespoons lard (no other option)
Flour – this is something I just add a bit at a time to make a dough.
Roll it thinly as possible I use a pizza cutter to cut my noodles. This is a wonderful meal and it keeps me grounded to my family. I know my great-grandmother passed this one down. Just like she passed down this one.  

     Homemade egg noodles
This recipe is easy too.
 1 cup Flour in a pile with center made into crater.
 2 Eggs add to center of flour
½ teaspoon Salt mix in flour mixture.
Use fork to start mixing egg into flour unto it is well mixed. Roll into ball. Put into refrigerator about  30 minutes in a covered bowl. Split ball in two. Roll onto a well-floured spot, roll some and lift as you roll add flour to keep from sticking. Make the dough ¼ in thick. Cut your noodles. I use the pizza cutter for this too, hang on rack or somewhere where they can dry.  Cook in boiling salted water till firm. You can freeze your noodles too.

I will add a few more pictures of my cupboard doors. Just to show you I keep them close.  
I hope you enjoy some of my family recipes as much as we do.

 Here is a good quote today.
“Food is the ingredient that binds us together.” Amit Singh

Lastly, I will be adding a scripture a day for now one.

“It is written: ‘Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every word that comes from Jehovah’s mouth.’” Matt. 4:4

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Q Day- Quiche

Today I made a couple quiche just for q day. I Love quiche and it is one way for me to use up a few eggs while I am at it. My hubby is not as keen on all the goodies that I love in mine so that is why I baked two. His is the basic quiche with onion, bacon, ham, garlic and lots of cheese. Mine on the other hand has bacon, ham, onion, garlic, homemade dried mushrooms, and greens with lots of cheese.

Making quiche is very easy. For starters I made my no fail pie crust. Makes 2 - 12” pie crust

3 cups flour
1 cup lard (from one of our Hogs)
1 egg (from our Chickens)
5 tablespoons. Of cold water
1 Tablespoons vinegar
Mix well and roll out on lightly dusted area.

To make the quiche I used
4 fresh eggs beaten well
1 cup of milk (for his and 1 Cup Coconut milk for mine.)
1 cup of shredded cheese Cheddar (I had mozzarella)
1 cup Parmesan grated
Salt and pepper
2 finely chopped cloves garlic
¼ cup finely chopped Onion
4 crisp pieces of bacon crushed up
½ cup ham
Mix well
Mine I added the mushrooms (some I dehydrated) and greens. Pour the mixture into the pie shell and bake for 50 minutes.

Yummy! Bon Appetite!

Hubby's Quiche

My  Quiche

     I enjoy baking and cooking, so when I can use the fresh stuff we have here it is always a good thing. Sometimes I have to make two just so I can make sure my hubby will eat it.
I hope some of you would love to try making your own Quiche or just use my pie crust recipe for making pies. Pies are my thing. I keep my recipe written in the inside of my cupboard door just in case my g daughter comes over because she loves baking pies as much as I do and I have to say she can make a mean crust too.
I have written several recipes on the cupboard doors just because I use them so much but most have been passed down from one generation to the next and I don’t want to lose them. If I ever move out of this house I will have to take the doors with me lol. But that is the best way I know to keep track of my favorites.   Have a great Q day!

Saturday, January 18, 2020

P day- Prevention is the perfect remedy

Please be a friend and help prevent suicide Call on a friend you haven’t heard from in a while! 

P day- Prevention is the perfect remedy 

This was posted by a friend and I thought it would be a great post to pass on to all. Make your EEyore friends day today!

, It occurred to Pooh and Piglet that they hadn't heard from Eeyore for several days, so they put on their hats and coats and trotted across the Hundred Acre Wood to Eeyore's stick house. Inside the house was Eeyore.
"Hello Eeyore," said Pooh.
"Hello Pooh. Hello Piglet," said Eeyore, in a Glum Sounding Voice.
"We just thought we'd check in on you," said Piglet, "because we hadn't heard from you, and so we wanted to know if you were okay."
Eeyore was silent for a moment. "Am I okay?" he asked, eventually. "Well, I don't know, to be honest. Are any of us really okay? That's what I ask myself. All I can tell you, Pooh and Piglet, is that right now I feel really rather Sad, and Alone, and Not Much Fun To Be Around At All. Which is why I haven't bothered you. Because you wouldn't want to waste your time hanging out with someone who is Sad, and Alone, and Not Much Fun To Be Around At All, would you now."
Pooh looked at Piglet, and Piglet looked at Pooh, and they both sat down, one on either side of Eeyore in his stick house.
Eeyore looked at them in surprise. "What are you doing?"
"We're sitting here with you," said Pooh, "because we are your friends. And true friends don't care if someone is feeling Sad, or Alone, or Not Much Fun To Be Around At All. True friends are there for you anyway. And so here we are."
"Oh," said Eeyore. "Oh." And the three of them sat there in silence, and while Pooh and Piglet said nothing at all; somehow almost imperceptibly, Eeyore started to feel a very tiny little bit better.
Because Pooh and Piglet were There. No more; no less.
(A.A. Milne, E.H. Shepard)
      Even I feel like Eeyore many days and I don’t hear from many. But I do call my dearest older friends, the ones who have lost all their friends of the age in death. It really does help both of us. Just to lend an ear makes a person happy especially when they get up in their years. I love to hear the stories of their life. Friendships shouldn't end just because you are many miles away from each other. there  is always a way to keep in contact. Maybe a surprise visit or  send a nice card or letter in the mail. You know so many of us don't write a hand written letter anymore because we just jump on the computer  or phone and text  We sometimes don't even call. Thinking of the littlest things can make a person's day. Don't get so set in your own schedule that you don't have the time to call and say hi or I love you. It just might mean the difference.