X day-(sort of) Downs Syndrome, That extra Chromosome
I want to talk about Downs Syndrome today because I have
worked with some of the most amazing, kind and loveable children. These
children have found a spot in my heart that brings me such happiness to be a
part of their lives.
Here are a few things you may not know about Downs.^
1. One
in every 691 babies in the US alone have been diagnosed with downs and that is
even before them are born. That is approximately 400000 children. Wow that 460000+
in 2019.*
2. Did
you know that downs is not inherited? Well now you know.
3. The
risk for having a downs child goes up with age.
1-2000 will be born to mothers in their 20’s , Mothers older than that
upward to 40 have a ratio of 1-900 and many over the age of 49 will have a
chance of 1-10, but the age range of downs fall between 35 and under for the
most born.
4. Some
of the other health issue that downs children experience are dry skin, double
jointedness, and flat feet. Some of the
more serious diagnoses can be leukemia which can take three different forms:
Acute Lymphocytic leukemia, Acute myeloid
Leukemia which affects 3% and lastly Transient myclophiliferative disorder ,
but most Downs children will show
symptoms of this a one month and can clear up without hospitalization.
5. The
life expectancy or these children have increased over the last century as they
may not have lived passed their tenth birthday and today they may well exceed
50 years of age.
![]() |
Hunter My # 1 Buddy! |
6. Some
many of these children who have gone on to see college and universities in
their education due to the changes for special provision designed programs.
Many hold down jobs, found love and married and even had children that were not
Downs but normal children. Today you can find children that have become models
and actors and so much more. (One of my favorite is Ansel Cole Sibus on
Stumptown)**. My # 1 kiddo is Hunter and he won my heart the very first day I
ever met him. He graduates this year!
Like I said I have worked with some amazing children. They
have a big place in my heart too. So maybe you too can find a special friend to
nurture and help soar to higher and better things for them too.
Today's quote
“Dad they think she has Down
Syndrome." He smiled genuinely as his eyes welled up with tears.
"That's okay. We love her.”
― Kelle Hampton, Bloom: Finding Beauty in the Unexpected--A Memoir
― Kelle Hampton, Bloom: Finding Beauty in the Unexpected--A Memoir
How can you not love this
Scripture of the day. I know He will heal them all and make
them whole.
Rev 21 :3 With that I
heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind,
and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will
be with them. 4 And he will
wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither
will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have
passed away.”
I credit my information to ^ (Actbeat,2020), also *(Atlantaregional.org.2020) ** IMDb.com, Inc.1990-2020
Great post and a very handsome guy, Hunter!